
WooCommerce Maintenance Packages

At TorontoDigits, we understand the unique needs of WooCommerce store owners. Our WooCommerce Maintenance Package is designed to ensure the smooth operation of your online store, keep it secure, and help you boost sales. We offer three package types: Basic, Silver, and Platinum, each tailored to meet the specific requirements of your e-commerce business.

Here's a detailed breakdown of the services included in each package:


  • Core WordPress Updates
  • Payment Gateway Support
  • Pricing and Discount Management
  • Checkout and Cart Optimization
  • Shipping Configuration and Rates
  • Tax Configuration and Management
  • Custom Product Fields and Attributes
  • WooCommerce Security Enhancements
  • Inventory and Order Sync
  • Sales Reports and Analytics
  • SEO Optimization for Product Pages
  • Customer Support and Issue Resolution
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery
  • Multilingual and Multi Currency Support
  • Subscription and Membership Management
  • Returns and Refunds Processing
  • GDPR and Privacy Compliance
  • Abandoned Cart Email Campaigns
  • Cross-selling and Upselling Strategies
  • Inventory Forecasting
  • Affiliate Program Management
  • Product Variation Management
  • Mobile App Integration
  • A/B Testing for Product Pages
  • Customer Loyalty Programs
  • Custom API Development




Audit Plan

Our WooCommerce Audit Plan is designed to comprehensively assess and optimize your e-commerce store. 

We will:

  • Conduct a thorough review of your website’s performance, security, and user experience.
  • Identify and address any issues related to website speed, security vulnerabilities, and user-friendliness.
  • Optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.
  • Evaluate your product listings and offer recommendations for improvement.
  • Analyze your sales data and provide insights to enhance your sales and marketing strategies.
  • Ensure compliance with GDPR and privacy regulations to protect customer data and privacy.
  • Implement strategies to recover abandoned carts and boost sales.
  • Develop cross-selling and upselling strategies to increase your average order value.
  • Forecast inventory needs to prevent stockouts or overstocking issues.
  • Set up and manage an affiliate program to drive more sales through affiliate marketers.
  • Manage product variations and offer advice on proper display and selection.
  • Integrate your WooCommerce store with a mobile app for enhanced customer experience and accessibility.
  • Conduct A/B testing on product pages to optimize layouts, images, and content for improved conversions.
  • Design and manage customer loyalty programs to retain and reward loyal customers.
  • Conduct competitor analysis and benchmark your e-commerce store against industry best practices.

Our WooCommerce Audit Plan ensures that your online store is operating at its best, attracting more customers and generating higher sales.

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