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We're honored to have been recognized and featured on some of the most reputable and influential websites and news outlets in the industry. Our journey to excellence has been acknowledged by these esteemed platforms, highlighting our commitment to delivering exceptional services. Explore our media coverage and discover why we're a trusted name in the digital world.

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WordPress News:

WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. Based on the efforts & work done by Abdullah, WordPress featured his story on WordPress News Blog.

WordPress News
Interview at Yoast

Interview at Yoast:

Yoast started Yoast Care, the Yoast Community Appreciation Rewards. Yoast pledges at least $25,000 to Yoast Care every year. This money is distributed to the people who are doing great efforts in the Opensource community. I was honored to get this yoast care fund

First Podcast at WPCoffeeTalk:

WPCoffeeTalk is a great podcast to highlight the top talent of WordPress. This is the best way to get to know someone is to sit down over coffee and “shoot the breeze.” Michelle Ames the lady behind WPCoffeeTalk, is a WCUS Organizer, Speaker, podcaster & Head of Customer Success at GiveWP. She invited me to share my journey at WPCoffeeTalk. You can listen to my podcast episode at WPCoffeeTalk: Abdullah Ramzan.

First Podcast at WPCoffeeTalk


HeroPress is one of the blogs that publish stories about WordPress & the people of WordPress who succeeded through WordPress & serve WordPress & Opensource communities. I got a chance to meet with Topher DeRossia who interviewed me & honored to publish at HerePress.

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